Business Office

Proposed Budget FY25

Our Proposed Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website:   

Proposed Budget FY25 

Adopted Budget Hearing Notification FY25

Our Public Hearing Notification has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website.

Adopted Budget Public Hearing Notification FY25 

Adopted Budget FY25

Our Adopted Budget (7/11/24) has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website (7/12/24).

Adopted Budget FY25

Average Salaries- A.R.S 15-903.E

Average salary of all teachers employed in FY2025 (budget year): $ 43,769

Average salary of all teachers employed in FY2024 (prior year): $ 43,323

Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year: $ 446

Percentage increase: 1%

Proposed Budget FY24

Our Proposed Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website:   

Proposed Budget FY24 

Adopted Budget FY24

Our Public Hearing Notification has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website.

Adopted Budget Public Hearing Notification FY24 

Our Adopted Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website

Adopted Budget FY24 

Revision #1 Budget FY24

Our Public Hering notification has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website

FY24 Budget Revision #1 Public Notification

Our Adopted Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website

FY24 Budget Revision #1  

Revision #2 Budget FY24

Our Adopted Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website

FY24 Budget Revision #2  

Average Salaries- A.R.S 15-903.E

Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2024: $43,323

 Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2023: $41,426

Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year: $1897

Percentage increase 5%

Proposed Budget FY23

Our Adopted Budget has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website:   

Proposed Budget FY23

Annual Financial Report FY23

Our AFR has been transmitted electronically to ADE for posting to their website.

Annual Financial Report

Classroom Spending Report

Classroom Spending Report FY23

Average Salaries- A.R.S 15-903.E

Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2024: $43,323

 Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2023: $41,426

Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year: $1897

Percentage increase 5%